NAG C++ classes for Hyperspectral Imaging  0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  NAG Copyright 2016.
3 */
6 #include <string>
7 #include <memory>
8 #include <vector>
243 namespace nag
244 {
251  typedef enum source
252  {
256  } source_t;
261  typedef enum pca_mat
262  {
265  } pca_mat_t;
270  typedef enum kmeans_metric
271  {
274  } kmeans_metric_t;
279  typedef enum matrix_ordering
280  {
288  typedef enum wavelet_name
289  {
292  } wavelet_t;
297  typedef enum wavelet_extension
298  {
307  template<class FPType> struct csr_mat
308  {
309  size_t nnz;
310  size_t m;
311  size_t n;
312  std::vector<size_t> row_ptr;
314  std::vector<uint32_t> col_indx;
315  std::vector<FPType> values;
316  };
317  template<class FPType> using csr_mat_t = struct csr_mat<FPType>;
324  struct cfree
325  {
326  void operator()(void *ptr) { free(ptr); }
327  };
334  template<class FPType> struct pca_results
335  {
336  int k;
337  size_t m;
338  size_t n;
339  FPType pca_tot;
340  std::unique_ptr<FPType[], cfree> loadings;
341  std::unique_ptr<FPType[], cfree> scores;
342  std::vector<FPType> eigenvalues;
344  // We won't get a default copy constructor since we can't copy unique_ptrs, so define a default move constructor
345  // - we seem to get away without this on Linux but not Windows
347  pca_results(pca_results&& a) : loadings(std::move(a.loadings)), scores(std::move(a.scores)), eigenvalues(std::move(a.eigenvalues)) { k = a.k; m = a.m; n = a.n; pca_tot = a.pca_tot; };
348  // Since we've defined a constructor the implicit default constructor is deleted, so explicitly request one
350  pca_results() = default;
352  pca_results& operator=(pca_results&& a) { loadings = std::move(a.loadings); scores = std::move(a.scores); eigenvalues = std::move(a.eigenvalues); k = a.k; m = a.m; n = a.n; pca_tot = a.pca_tot; return *this; };
353  // note we don't have a copy assignment operator since we're working with unique_ptrs.
354  };
360  template<class FPType> using pca_results_t = struct pca_results<FPType>;
367  template<class FPType> struct tsne_results
368  {
369  int k;
370  size_t m;
371  size_t d;
372  FPType kl_divergence;
373  FPType theta;
374  FPType perplexity;
375  std::unique_ptr<FPType[], cfree> embedding;
378  // We won't get a default copy constructor since we can't copy unique_ptrs, so define a default move constructor
379  // - we seem to get away without this on Linux but not Windows
381  tsne_results(tsne_results&& a) : embedding(std::move(a.embedding) ) { k = a.k; m = a.m; d = a.d; kl_divergence = a.kl_divergence; theta = a.theta; perplexity = a.perplexity; total_iter = a.total_iter;};
382  // Since we've defined a constructor the implicit default constructor is deleted, so explicitly request one
384  tsne_results() = default;
386  tsne_results& operator=(tsne_results&& a) { embedding = std::move(a.embedding); k = a.k; m = a.m; kl_divergence = a.kl_divergence; theta = a.theta; perplexity = a.perplexity; total_iter = a.total_iter; return *this; };
387  // note we don't have a copy assignment operator since we're working with unique_ptrs.
388  };
394  template<class FPType> using tsne_results_t = struct tsne_results<FPType>;
401  template<class FPType> struct kmeans_results
402  {
403  int k;
404  size_t m;
405  size_t n;
407  std::unique_ptr<FPType[], cfree> cmeans;
408  std::vector<int> inc;
409  std::vector<int> nic;
410  std::vector<FPType> wcs;
413  kmeans_results(kmeans_results&& a) : cmeans(std::move(a.cmeans)), inc(std::move(, nic(std::move(a.nic)), wcs(std::move(a.wcs)) { k = a.k; m = a.m; n = a.n; metric = a.metric; };
415  kmeans_results() = default;
417  kmeans_results& operator=(kmeans_results&& a) { cmeans = std::move(a.cmeans); inc = std::move(; nic = std::move(a.nic); wcs = std::move(a.wcs); k = a.k; m = a.m; n = a.n; metric = a.metric; return *this; };
418  };
424  template<class FPType> using kmeans_results_t = struct kmeans_results<FPType>;
431  template<class FPType> struct nmf_results
432  {
433  int k;
434  size_t m;
435  size_t n;
436  std::unique_ptr<FPType[], cfree> W;
437  std::unique_ptr<FPType[], cfree> H;
438  FPType tol;
441  nmf_results(nmf_results&& a) : W(std::move(a.W)), H(std::move(a.H)) { k = a.k; m = a.m; n = a.n; tol = a.tol; };
443  nmf_results() = default;
445  nmf_results& operator=(nmf_results&& a) { W = std::move(a.W); H = std::move(a.H); k = a.k; m = a.m; n = a.n; tol = a.tol; return *this; };
446  };
452  template<class FPType> using nmf_results_t = struct nmf_results<FPType>;
459  template<class FPType> struct cwt_results
460  {
461  size_t n;
462  int nscales;
463  size_t npixels;
464  std::vector<uint32_t> scales;
465  std::vector<size_t> pixels;
466  std::unique_ptr<FPType[], cfree> coefficients;
469  cwt_results(cwt_results&& a) : scales(std::move(a.scales)), pixels(std::move(a.pixels)), coefficients(std::move(a.coefficients)) { n = a.n; nscales = a.nscales; npixels = a.npixels; }
471  cwt_results() = default;
473  cwt_results& operator=(cwt_results&& a) { scales = std::move(a.scales); pixels = std::move(a.pixels); coefficients = std::move(a.coefficients); n = a.n; nscales = a.nscales; npixels = a.npixels; return *this; }
474  };
480  template<class FPType> using cwt_results_t = struct cwt_results<FPType>;
485  class Error
486  {
487  public:
488  std::string message;
489  Error(std::string msg) : message(msg) {};
490  };
496  template<class FPType> class SpecImage
497  {
499  protected:
500  void *_imgh;
503  public:
507  SpecImage() : _imgh(NULL) {};
516  SpecImage(const csr_mat_t<FPType>& matrix, const FPType *mzvals = NULL);
528  SpecImage(size_t m, size_t n, const FPType *matrix, const FPType *mzvals = NULL);
533  virtual ~SpecImage();
536  /*
537  Preprocessing functions
538  */
547  void peakSelect();
550  /*
551  Analysis functions
552  */
634  kmeans_results_t<FPType> kmeans(uint32_t k, FPType* initial_cmeans = NULL, kmeans_metric_t metric = Cosine);
682  nmf_results_t<FPType> nmf(uint32_t k, FPType *initial_W = NULL, FPType *initial_H = NULL,
683  FPType tol = 1.e-2, uint32_t max_iter = 200);
752  cwt_results_t<FPType> cwt(const std::vector<uint32_t>& scales, const std::vector<size_t>& pixels,
802  tsne_results_t<FPType> tsne(uint32_t k, pca_results_t<FPType> *data = NULL, FPType *embedding = NULL,
803  FPType perplexity = 50, FPType theta = 0.3, uint32_t max_iter = 1000,
804  uint32_t verbosity = 50, FPType min_grad_norm = 1.0e-5,
805  uint32_t n_unimproved_iter = 30, FPType learning_rate = 100,
806  FPType early_exaggeration = 4.0, uint32_t exaggerated_iter = 50);
809  /*
810  Accessor functions. No set counterparts; setting
811  should be done by constructing a new object.
813  Limits can be set only since they are provided by the user and stored internally
814  as matrix columns or rows, depending on the matrix ordering.
815  */
816  /*
817  Get matrix functions.
819  Perform conversion if matrix is currently in different format, or requires transpose.
820  Sparse matrix is row major (so e.g. pixelsByChannels stores channels contiguously).
821  */
852  std::unique_ptr<FPType[]> getDenseMatrix(matrix_ordering_t order = PixelsByChannels);
863  std::vector<FPType> getSinglePeak(FPType minmz, FPType maxmz);
875  size_t getM();
884  size_t getN();
889  size_t getNNZ();
896  int getXDim();
903  int getYDim();
910  int getZDim();
912  // rely on compiler elision / move semantics here
918  std::vector<FPType> getMZVals();
927  void setLimits(const std::vector<FPType>& limits);
947  //TODO?
948  // Functions to add spectra incrementally? Or remove spectra?
949  // Matrix operators: +, *, '(transpose) ?
950  };
952 }
953 #endif
enum nag::pca_mat pca_mat_t
The matrix used to perform principal component analysis.
void setLimits(const std::vector< FPType > &limits)
Set the limits to use during nag::SpecImage::peakSelect.
std::string message
Contains error details.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:488
Indicates that the rows of the matrix represent pixels, and the columns mass channels.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:281
A type used to hold the result of a 1D real continuous wavelet transform.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:459
size_t npixels
The number of pixels for which the CWT has been performed.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:463
size_t m
The number of rows of the input matrix.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:434
std::unique_ptr< FPType[], cfree > cmeans
The k by n matrix whose rows define the k cluster centroids, stored in row-major ordering.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:407
size_t n
The number of columns of the matrix.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:338
pca_results_t< FPType > pca(uint32_t k, pca_mat_t t=Covariance)
Principal component analysis.
Use the Haar wavelet for nag::SpecImage::cwt.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:291
Base class representing a spectral image.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:496
enum nag::wavelet_extension wavelet_extension_t
The end extension method used to perform the continuous wavelet transform.
The source is unknown and the object has been constructed directly as a base nag::SpecImage type...
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:255
Use the covariance matrix to perform nag::SpecImage::pca.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:263
Error(std::string msg)
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:489
A type used to indicate whether the ordering of the matrix is pixels by channels or channels by pixel...
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:279
int getZDim()
Return the number of pixels in the image in the dimension.
size_t n
The input length (number of channels).
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:461
std::unique_ptr< FPType[], cfree > coefficients
n by nscales by npixels 3D array of output CWT coefficients. The coefficient for the scale of the ...
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:466
size_t d
The number of columns of the input matrix; equivalent to the number of dimensions of the input data...
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:371
nmf_results_t< FPType > nmf(uint32_t k, FPType *initial_W=NULL, FPType *initial_H=NULL, FPType tol=1.e-2, uint32_t max_iter=200)
Non-negative matrix factorization.
The wavelet used to perform the continuous wavelet transform.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:288
kmeans_results_t< FPType > kmeans(uint32_t k, FPType *initial_cmeans=NULL, kmeans_metric_t metric=Cosine)
k-means clustering analysis
std::unique_ptr< FPType[], cfree > scores
The m by k PCA scores matrix, stored in column-major ordering.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:341
Use the Euclidean distance metric for nag::SpecImage::kmeans analysis.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:272
std::vector< FPType > eigenvalues
The eigenvalues vector of length k corresponding to the variance accounted for in the th component (i...
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:342
Overall namespace for the NAG C++ Hyperspectral Imaging Library.
Definition: MALDISpecImage.hpp:12
size_t n
The number of columns of the matrix.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:405
size_t n
The number of columns of the input matrix.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:435
std::vector< FPType > getMZVals()
Return the mass-to-charge values which label the channels in the image matrix.
int k
The selected inner dimension of the factorization.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:433
A type used to hold the result of a non-negative matrix factorization.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:431
Default constructor.
size_t getM()
Return the number of rows in the matrix.
kmeans_metric_t metric
The distance metric used in the analysis.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:406
std::unique_ptr< FPType[], cfree > embedding
The m by k lower-dimensional matrix, stored in column-major order.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:375
nmf_results(nmf_results &&a)
Move constructor.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:441
enum nag::source source_t
A type used to indicate the instrument source of the image. Returned by nag::SpecImage.getSource.
nmf_results & operator=(nmf_results &&a)
Move assignment operator.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:445
A type used to hold the details of a principal component analysis.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:334
std::vector< FPType > getSinglePeak(FPType minmz, FPType maxmz)
Return a single peak. A lower limit minmz and an upper limit maxmz are used to reduce the number of c...
size_t m
The number of rows of the matrix.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:337
size_t m
The number of rows of the matrix.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:404
size_t getN()
Return the number of columns in the matrix.
A type used to indicate the instrument source of the image. Returned by nag::SpecImage.getSource.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:251
The matrix used to perform principal component analysis.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:261
Default constructor.
std::vector< size_t > row_ptr
row_ptr is a vector of length m + 1. row_ptr[i] gives the start of row i in the col_indx and values v...
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:313
tsne_results_t< FPType > tsne(uint32_t k, pca_results_t< FPType > *data=NULL, FPType *embedding=NULL, FPType perplexity=50, FPType theta=0.3, uint32_t max_iter=1000, uint32_t verbosity=50, FPType min_grad_norm=1.0e-5, uint32_t n_unimproved_iter=30, FPType learning_rate=100, FPType early_exaggeration=4.0, uint32_t exaggerated_iter=50)
t-SNE analysis
int k
The number of dimensions in the embedding.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:369
size_t n
n is the number of columns of the matrix.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:311
The metric used to perform k-means clustering analysis.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:270
std::vector< int > inc
A vector of length m in which inc[i] indicates the cluster to which the th pixel belongs.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:408
tsne_results(tsne_results &&a)
Move constructor.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:381
FPType theta
The parameter theta used in t-SNE; it represents a tradeoff between speed and accuracy: 0 is accurate...
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:373
A type used to wrap access to the C free() function.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:324
Indicates that the rows of the matrix represent mass channels, and the columns pixels.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:282
FPType tol
The tolerance used to produce the result.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:438
tsne_results & operator=(tsne_results &&a)
Move assignment operator.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:386
size_t getNNZ()
Return the number of non-zero elements in the matrix.
Use periodic end extension for nag::SpecImage::cwt.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:299
int k
The number of principal components found.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:336
Use the Mexican hat wavelet for nag::SpecImage::cwt.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:290
FPType pca_tot
The sum total variance for all of the components.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:339
std::vector< FPType > values
values is a vector of length nnz. values[i] gives the value of the ith non-zero element.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:315
std::vector< uint32_t > col_indx
col_indx is a vector of length nnz. col_indx[i] gives the column index of the ith non-zero element...
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:314
csr_mat_t< FPType > getSparseMatrix(matrix_ordering_t order=PixelsByChannels)
Retrieve a copy of the image matrix in sparse storage format.
kmeans_results(kmeans_results &&a)
Move constructor.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:413
std::unique_ptr< FPType[], cfree > loadings
The n by k PCA loadings matrix, stored in column-major ordering. The loadings are returned in decreas...
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:340
Use the correlation matrix to perform nag::SpecImage::pca.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:264
Default constructor.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:507
size_t m
m is the number of rows of the matrix.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:310
Use zero end extension for nag::SpecImage::cwt.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:300
int k
The number of clusters in the analysis.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:403
cwt_results_t< FPType > cwt(const std::vector< uint32_t > &scales, const std::vector< size_t > &pixels, wavelet_t wav=Haar, wavelet_extension_t ext=Periodic)
Batched one-dimensional real continuous wavelet transform.
std::unique_ptr< FPType[], cfree > W
The m by k matrix factor W, stored in column-major ordering.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:436
int getXDim()
Return the number of pixels in the image in the dimension.
cwt_results & operator=(cwt_results &&a)
Move assignment operator.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:473
Default constructor.
FPType perplexity
The perplexity used in the t-SNE algorithm.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:374
pca_results(pca_results &&a)
Move constructor.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:347
The end extension method used to perform the continuous wavelet transform.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:297
int getYDim()
Return the number of pixels in the image in the dimension.
A type used to hold the details of a t-SNE analysis.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:367
size_t nnz
nnz is the number of non-zero elements.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:309
cwt_results(cwt_results &&a)
Move constructor.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:469
std::vector< FPType > wcs
A vector of length k in which wcs[i] gives the within-cluster sum of distances to the th cluster cent...
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:410
The source is a MALDI instrument, and the object is of type nag::MALDISpecImage.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:254
int total_iter
The number of iterations that were performed.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:376
std::vector< size_t > pixels
Vector of pixels used.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:465
Class thrown on error.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:485
int nscales
The number of scales over which the CWT has been performed.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:462
void operator()(void *ptr)
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:326
std::vector< uint32_t > scales
Vector of scales used.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:464
std::unique_ptr< FPType[]> getDenseMatrix(matrix_ordering_t order=PixelsByChannels)
Retrieve a copy of the image matrix in dense storage format.
Use symmetric end extension for nag::SpecImage::cwt.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:301
virtual ~SpecImage()
std::unique_ptr< FPType[], cfree > H
The k by n matrix factor H, stored in column-major ordering.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:437
size_t m
The number of rows of the input matrix (and the number of rows of the lower dimensional embedding)...
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:370
pca_results & operator=(pca_results &&a)
Move assignment operator.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:352
FPType kl_divergence
The Kullback-Liebler divergence between the input data and the lower-dimensional embedding.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:372
source_t getSource()
Determine the type of the object.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:945
kmeans_results & operator=(kmeans_results &&a)
Move assignment operator.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:417
void * _imgh
Opaque handle to internal library data structure.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:500
The source is a SIMS instrument, and the object is of type nag::SIMSpecImage.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:253
A type used to hold the details of a k-means clustering analysis.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:401
Default constructor.
source_t _source_type
Encodes what the underlying type is: nag::SIMSpecImage (value: SIMS), nag::MALDISpecImage (value: MAL...
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:501
enum nag::kmeans_metric kmeans_metric_t
The metric used to perform k-means clustering analysis.
enum nag::wavelet_name wavelet_t
The wavelet used to perform the continuous wavelet transform.
void peakSelect()
Perform peak selection.
Use the cosine distance metric for nag::SpecImage::kmeans analysis.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:273
A type used to hold the components of a sparse matrix in compressed sparse row (CSR) format...
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:307
enum nag::matrix_ordering matrix_ordering_t
A type used to indicate whether the ordering of the matrix is pixels by channels or channels by pixel...
Default constructor.
std::vector< int > nic
A vector of length k in which nic[i] gives the number of pixels in the th cluster.
Definition: SpecImage.hpp:409